Boost Your Traffic with Google Discover.

Zero Results? Zero Cost

discover partners

Our goal is your R.O.I.

Our experts will boost your Google Discover strategy to generate thousands of additional qualified visits through this channel

 100% performance-based compensation :  : We share the revenue generated by our content, with all costs covered by us
Zero results ? Zero cost.


Guilhem Chauvin

Founder, Google Discover and SEO Expert
🇫🇷 🇬🇧

Albéric Monestier

Technical & Web Performance Expert for Google Discover

🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇵🇹 

Quentin Couprie

Google Discover, SEO, and Affiliate Expert
🇫🇷 🇬🇧

Antoine Bressan

Google Discover & Google News Expert
🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇪🇸

Clément Pessaux

Google Discover & Google News Expert
🇫🇷 🇪🇸

Over 700 Million Visits... 

Site US
Site FR

... in 30+ Countries

Site BR

Up to 5 Million Visitors Daily


Customers served!

1 +

Years of experience

Discover Projects

Customers served!

1 +

Years of experience

Different Countries

Customers served!

1 M

Years of experience

Visitors via Google Discover

Ready to start ?

Our Approach

Google Discover, like SEO, is not an exact science. However, we know how to maximize your chances of success, and the pitfalls to avoid.

We are not an agency like others: we don’t sell our time, we sellresults

...and since nothing is guaranteed with Google, you won't be charged until you see results.

Win-win partnerships and performance-driven compensation are in our DNA.

1. Assessment of Your Potential

Getting to know and understanding your ecosystem is crucial: your site(s), your current strategy and audience, your niche, your competition, your goals, and more.

For this, please fill out the appointment request form, so that we can assess your needs and arrange a possible meeting to discuss your potential in person

2. Audit & Testing Phase

We will conduct a Discover Audit of your ecosystem to identify any major obstacles to the success of your strategy and the strengths we can leverage to maximize your chances of success.

We will then jointly approve an initial process to concretely test your site's potential.

All costs are on us: as long as you don’t earn anything,

you don’t pay anything.

3. Strategy and Training

A well-supported partner is an invested partner who understands what we are doing.

Therefore, we will provide you with free access to a concise version of our "Google Discover" training and guide you through understanding its mechanics.

Together, we can define the best Google Discover strategy to adopt.

4. Run Phase

We will be the "conductor" of your Discover strategy, ensuring its successful implementation in conjunction with your teams.

Your ROI is guaranteed: we only benefit if you benefit more.

Case Study

🇫🇷 French Thematic Website 

"A partner already achieving impressive Discover performance in France, in the Finance niche.

We did not change the publication volume, but focused on technical optimizations, EEAT, Audience Fidelization and a well-managed editorial strategy

Mission carried out by :

Guilhem Chauvin

Albéric Monestier


💸 Cost for the partner: $0 (RevShare)

📈 Overall traffic increase: +120%
🇺🇸 Small American media

"A partner achieving strong performance on Google, but with no knowledge of Google Discover. We gradually implemented our editorial, EEAT and Social Media strategy, elevating this small media outlet into the big leagues by entering the top 1000 most visited sites in the world..!"

Mission carried out by : 

Guilhem Chauvin

Albéric Monestier


🛡 Migration to a dedicated server + cybersecurity services

 💸 Cost for the partner: $0 (RevShare)

📈 Overall traffic and revenue increased by 200x
🇮🇹 Italian Thematic Website

"A partner with low performance on Google Discover and News in Italy, focusing on the Lifestyle niche.
I took over the entire strategy, both editorial and technical, and ensured a more consistent publishing schedule without compromising on the quality and timeliness of the articles (breaking news)

Mission carried out by :

Antoine Bressan

💸 Cost for the client: $20 000 (Service + expenses)
📈 From 0 to 15 million clicks per month
 🇫🇷 Launch of a French Media

"A partner achieving strong performance on social media but with no traffic from Google Discover. We implemented a Google News and Discover strategy (evergreen content, EEAT, authority, audience retention...) to transform the site into a true authority in its niche"

Mission carried out by : 

Antoine Bressan

💸 Cost for the client: Over $100 000 (Service + expenses)
📈 205 million visits over 3 years
🇳🇱 Dutch Thematic Media

"A partner achieving strong performance on Google News in the Netherlands. We deployed a global strategy, integrated in a few days with a CTR of 11%, quickly increasing the initial traffic by 10 times". 

Mission carried out by :

Quentin Couprie

💸 Cost for the partner: $0 (RevShare)
📈 Overall traffic and revenue increased by x10
 🇫🇷 French Thematic Website 

"Partner achieving strong performance on Google News in France in the High Tech sector. Technical optimizations, global strategy and the integration of 2 additional articles per day into the current editorial line have tripled the media's overall traffic"

Mission carried out by : 

Quentin Couprie

💸 Cost for the partner: $0 (RevShare)
📈 Overall traffic x3
🇫🇷 French Thematic Website 

"A partner in the "Animals" niche. We deployed a Google Discover strategy with 5 articles per day, capturing an additional 18 million visitors per year

Mission carried out by :

Clément Pessaux

💸 Cost for the partner : Fees confidential
📈 + 18 million visitors per year via Discover
 🇫🇷 French Luxury Brand

"A partner previously absent from Discover. We implemented technical optimizations and deployed a dedicated editorial strategy, capturing nearly 3 million additional visits"

Mission carried out by : 

Clément Pessaux

💸 Cost for the partner : Fees confidential
📈 + 2.9 million visitors in 6 months via Discover


Guilhem took our company to another level with Google Discover traffic, a channel we were underutilizing before.

Our interactions are always smooth, and everything is delivered turnkey: we have complete trust in Guilhem, who is also proactive and transparent about his actions.

His work has allowed us to triple our annual profit (overall!) without any additional expenses on our part. We recommend Discover Partners 1000%!

Nicolas Gerbault

Antoine is an expert at Google News and Google Discover an knows extremely detailed frameworks of how to help rank on these platforms - highly recommended

LH2 Holdings

I met Antoine when launching my first Discover site. He's one of the top experts in France on this subject.

He knows the mechanics inside out, and his advice and strategies for performing on Discover or Google News are always spot-on and well thought out.

Antoine is also incredibly kind and always available to discuss any topic. It's a pleasure working with him, and I highly recommend him!


Ready to start ?




Google Discover offers users personalized content based on their interests.

Highly valued on Google tools and Android mobile devices, Google Discover has a monumental audience: it is a much more powerful traffic channel than SEO in terms of volume, and it is also very different from SEO.

This is why it has been difficult for many SEOs to get into it (myself included): it is a complementary skill but also quite different from traditional "Search" optimization. It requires learning a new way of working to adapt to this channel and its "non-intent" audience, which represents a massive traffic opportunity.

Whether you are a site publisher, a web agency, a brand, or a media outlet, this is your opportunity to:

  • Learn new skills beyond traditional SEO
  • Attract new qualified visitors to your site
  • Generate more revenue through increased visibility, whether by selling your own products, advertising, or affiliation...


Google Discover, like SEO, is not an exact science. Nothing is ever guaranteed with Google.
However, we know how to maximize your chances of success and the pitfalls to avoid.
Since nothing is guaranteed with Google, we won't charge you until you see results.
The performance-based compensation model ensures a win-win agreement and your ROI in any case: we only benefit if you benefit more.


While performance-based compensation is in our DNA, we can also adapt to your specific needs (coaching, processes, support) through our network of trusted partners, all of whom have proven themselves on Google Discover in France and internationally. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs and the possible ways of working together.


Yes, we launched a Google Discover training program in 2023 with over 100 members. It is regularly updated and still available. You can find more information about our training on this page.

Coaching and support are not our main focus, but we can adapt to your specific needs (coaching, processes, support) through our network of trusted partners, all of whom have proven themselves on Google Discover in France and internationally.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs and the possible ways of working together.